Serve the Lord with Gladness,
and Thy Neighbor as Thyself
As Christ came not to be served but to serve (Mt 20:28), Christian's likewise are to commit their time, energy, and resources toward the work of Christ and His kingdom through the Church. There are many various avenues by which we as Christians can serve each other (Gal 5:13-14). Not everyone is given to do the same things, but we are all given to do some things. Consider your station in life, the talents and abilities God has given you (Eph 4:11-16).
Contact the following people to offer your services to Christ and His Church.
- Organ-eers
- It's not what it sounds like! does sound like an organ, because it is! But you don't have to be able to play the organ to play the organ! At Trinity we use something called the Substitute Organist Service (S.O.S.)
- This means that anybody that can press play on a tablet can learn to operate the organ for services!
- If you can press play on a tablet and would like to be part of our wonderful crew of organists, contact Maria at 489-2780
- Ushers
- Ushers are the men who welcome people into the church, provide them with a bulletin, and ensure that order is maintained in the church during the service. Any confirmed men are elligible to be ushers and it is an excellent way to be of service to your brothers and sisters in Christ.
- To become and usher and be placed on a team contact Garth at 489-0378
- Funeral Luncheon Bunch
- As part of our usual service to the families of Christians who depart to be with the Lord in death, we provide a lunch for the family.
- For information and to sign up contact Kim at 478-9682
- Sunday School Teacher
- Much of the teaching for Sunday School is done by the the Youth Group, making it very simple for adults who want to contribute to the learning of our dear children. The main role of the adult teacher is to perform the opening, and to tell the story to the children. You can do it for a month or for a couple of weeks, or even just be on standby as a substitute teacher.
- Pastor (488-7139) is happy to facilitate and guide anyone who wants to participate in bringing up our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4). Because we want them to go to heaven!